
Crypto Markets Inverstment

Start Investing in Crypto Markets with Amtefi today! We are a professional company that been in crypto industry for the past 11 years. We invest in a crypto markets for you for 20% of your profits, here are the steps to get started:

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Step 1-Purchase ZAR

First step would be getting your hands on a stable coin ZAR, you can purchase ZAR from one of the Centralized Exchanges like Coinbase, Binance or Bybit.

Step 2-Deposit ZAR

Second step would be to deposit ZAR from a foreign exchange to Amtefi, after registration go to Deposit page on Amtefi platform and select ZAR deposit method, select a Wallet Address from Amtefi platform and paste into address line on the exchange you are doing withdrawal from. Make sure to use TRC-20 network or else your funds could be lost.

Step 3-Transfer to Investment Account

After your deposit you need to allocate your desired balance to Investment Program from your Primary wallet.